Prince Jakob abdicates throne, appoints Stephen Luke as successor

BRAN DISTRICT (KBRN) – His Royal Highness Jakob of Dracul announced his plans of resignation on Friday afternoon to Chancellor Stephen Luke and others, citing his continued lack of availability for the role due to personal life. The official abdication took place on Saturday evening.

Since the introduction of Dracul’s change to a Monarchy late last year, very little has occurred in a Royal regard. While several have attempted to run in the House of Commons elections, the nation has also battled an ongoing stagnant population, with minimal social activity.

Initially, King James of Great Hanover was the selection for Dracul’s Princely throne, however that was cancelled by King James himself, citing incompatibility with the philosophy of Dracul. This resulted in the in house selection of Connor Modena, who was then renamed Jakob Von Gerichten.

Chancellor Stephen Luke has been a notable icon since Dracul’s inception, and while he originally did not seek to take a royal position, agreed to take the role, after he was informed by Prince Jakob of his abdication.

“I’ve always had a passion for Government positions and was not seeking royalty, however we are very limited in our choices for replacement, so I’ll accept what needs to be done to get us back on track.” said Chancellor Luke.

Prince Jakob, while mostly busy with work and home life, isn’t available for Royal duties, there is a possibility of him remaining in Dracul, in a simple support position.

Due to Chancellor Luke’s resignation, Secretary of State Bruce Cooper has taken the duties as the new Chancellor, due to that line of succession.